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How to make mint lemon juice in tamil weight loss and skin care drinks

Mint lemon juice  -  summer refreshing juice

Very easy to make it within 5 minits
Healthy and refreshing juice in summer time.
  • Skin Care. 
  • Prevents Memory Loss. 
  • Weight Loss.
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  • Mint         -          6 leaves
  • Lemon     -          2
  • Sugar       -          3 tspoon
  • Water      -          2 glass


  1. Take mixer jar put inside 1/2 glass water.
  2. Add mint leaves and sugar.
  3. Add lemon juice and mix it.
  4. Finally add 2 glass water and ice cubes then serve in glass.
Now mint lemon juice ready!!!

About Iyyanarappan Jayakumar